I am the 4th/5th grade elementary teacher here at St. Mary’s Elementary School. I also teach technology lessons to students in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. This school year is my first school year teaching at St. Mary’s School.
In the past, I have worked with 6th through 8th grade students as a middle school math teacher at another Catholic School in the Diocese, St. Joseph Catholic School in Battle Creek, Michigan. During my final student teaching internship right here in Niles, Michigan, I worked with 4th/5th grade students at Eastside Connections School. My mom was a teacher, and after her guidance as well as the guidance of many great teachers that I had in the past, I decided to become a teacher. After completing my studies and final teaching internship at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, I finally realized my goal of becoming a teacher.
I have been working with students teaching in professional settings since 2015 while working at a local math tutoring center called the Mathnasium, in Stevensville, Michigan. The original owner still runs the Mathnasium in nearby Granger, Indiana. I have worked with students from as low as pre-K to Highschool at the Mathnasium as well as in other job opportunities such as being a summer camp counselor at the YMCA in St. Joseph, Michigan, being a private tutor, and substitute teaching in schools in Berrien and Kalamazoo counties.
When moving back to this area to be closer to my parents with the arrival of our first born child, I am glad to be coming full circle back closer to home and where I did my teaching internship. Niles is a great little town, and I love all of the activities and opportunities it has to offer. I also am glad to be working with 4th/5th grade students again, as I enjoy working with this age group with all of their excitement to learn. I also enjoy being able to teach all of the different subjects again. I love being a part of the St. Mary’s community, and I have felt so welcome here in my first year teaching at the school. I am glad to call St. Mary’s my home. The parents and students have been so welcoming to me, and the small class sizes make the school feel like an extended faith-filled family. I think you will enjoy sending your child here because of the small class sizes, faith-filled community, and the learning opportunities here that make St. Mary’s school a wonderful, unique place to learn and grow.
In my opinion, the best part about St. Mary’s School is its deep roots in Catholic education. From worshiping the Lord in Mass every Friday, to making God known, loved, and served through students’ interactions with each other and their teachers throughout the week, our strong faith at St. Mary’s is truly what sets us apart from other school options. Our parish Priest, Father Christian, is a very kind and supportive Priest, and his wisdom and loving pastoral care shines forth in his guidance and shepherding of our students at St. Mary's in the truth and life of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
As parents, our primary goal is being the educators of our children and helping them know, love, and serve God throughout their life. Every parent on their own must discern with the grace and help of God what education/school option is right for their child. Not every school option is right for every child due to multiple reasons, but I do plead for you to prayerfully discern the value and never ending rewards and returns on your investment of sending your child to a Catholic school. In the challenges we face today in our culture, one of the best decisions you can make is allowing your child to grow in an educational environment which fosters and intertwines the aspect of our Catholic faith, and instills in our children’s hearts the love of God, and love of their neighbor.
When I am not teaching, you can find me spending time with my wife Emily and daughter Theresa. We love cooking together, going on walks with our dog Minnie, hanging out with each other and talking, watching a movie with our cat Mochi sleeping on my lap, and going on small adventures around town. You might also find me with either a Bible, Rosary, guitar, screwdriver, lawn mower, or computer in my hands. My family and I love spending silent time with God praying and reading through scripture, and praying the Rosary often. My family and I also have a big devotion to Our Holy Mother Mary, St. Joseph, and the Holy Family, as well as Saints James, John, John the Baptist, Cecelia, Peter, Paul, Francis of Assissi, Francis de Sales, Ignatious of Loyola, Josemaria Escreva, Alphonsus Ligouri, Maximilian Kolbe, Dominic, Louis de Montfort, Pope John Paul II, Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, Mother Teresa, Dymphna, Maria Goretti, Elizabeth Ann Seton, the Ark Angels. Oh, let’s face it, there are too many to list!
With all of that said, I am very glad to be a part of our Catholic family at St. Mary’s school. My wife Emily and daughter Theresa have felt welcome here from day one as well. I hope you will consider joining our St. Mary’s family as a great faith-filled option as you seek the right education choice for your family, and for helping assist you in your vocation as a parent to raise your child in the faith.